Product Reviews

Product Reviews

We value your feedback! features customer product reviews right on the page for each product so you can see what other players think about each item.  After you buy strings or accessories from us, we invite you to write product reviews after a brief time getting to know the product.  Our goal is to provide the best information possible about each of our products so you can make informed buying decisions.

We love to hear your opinions about the products you buy. encourages our customers to review the products they buy so others can make more informed purchases.  Knowing your experiences with our products helps us to decide what products we should or should not carry.  We also value customer suggestions of products we should add to our catalogue.

The review process is simple.  Either follow the link in the review email we send you, or you can add reviews directly to any individual product page by clicking on the Write a Review link. You'll be taken to a new tab or window where you can enter your review. You’ll see your review appear on our site after about one business day.