The New Gut Violin String from Pirastro: PASSIONE The unique gut string for the future! Since some time, a new trend evolved especially amongst young classical violinists who search for a full and complex sound to start to experiment with violin strings with a gut core. Baroque strings or gut strings for a historical set up are not meant here, but modern gut strings for the classical violinist in the tradition of our Eudoxa and Oliv strings. As the leading gut string manufacturer in the world Pirastro has now picked up this trend and developed a new gut core string called Passione. Our development of the Passione aimed at reducing the playing-in-time of traditional gut strings and to increase their tuning stability without loosing the beauty of the gut sound. The gentle processing of the gut core is key to the conservation of the ravishing beauty of gut strings’ sound. Our expertise has been developed since 1798 and has been carefully protected over generations within Pirastro’s employees. The combination in manufacturing of modern synthetic and traditional gut technology made it possible to retain the sound beauty of gut core strings and to increase significantly the tuning stability and the break-in-time. Passione strings possess a fascinating diversity of sounds, which allows musicians to alter their tone as desired. To such an outstanding extent this is still only possible with gut core strings. The core sound is full, round and warm and has a complex overtone spectrum causing brilliance and clarity and a great power of projection. Passione’s sound can be big and powerful as well as gentle and tender. Passione is a modern reliable gut string for the demanding violin professional. The set is well-balanced; the response is easy on all levels of the dynamic range. The accuracy of contact point is easily manageable, similar to Obligato, Wondertone Solo and Evah Pirazzi.